Viviane Menezes, WHOI

Co-Chief Scientists of I07N 

Postdoctoral Investigator, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Physical Oceanographic Department


Bio: I am an oceanographer interested in understanding the ocean currents from the sea surface to the deep ocean. Nowadays, my research is mostly in the Indian Ocean.

I enjoy going to sea to collect data and love computer programming. The US GO-SHIP I07N expedition will be the second time I’m a co-chief scientist. In 2016, I had the same role during the GO-SHIP I08S in the Southern Indian Ocean.

I joined WHOI two years ago as a postdoctoral investigator, just after I finished my Ph.D. in Marine Sciences at the University of Tasmania in Hobart, Australia. I studied Oceanography as an undergraduate and did a master degree in Remote Sensing, both in Brazil where I was born.

For the last two years, I’m studying the very salty and hot Red Sea in the northwest Indian Ocean. The exotic Red Sea is a fascinating place for an oceanographer like myself because it looks like a miniature world ocean.

During the GO-SHIP I08S cruise in 2016, we have discovered that the waters near the bottom of the Southern Indian Ocean are changing faster than we expected.  I’m excited to see what we will find about the during the I07N.     

What I’m doing on this cruise: Besides my work as the co-chief scientist, I’m interested to see how the salty and warm waters of the Red Sea spread in the Arabian Sea after they escape the Gulf of Aden. Knowing how surface waters transfer heat and salt into deeper parts of the ocean is crucial to understand the Earth’s climate. The I07N expedition will give us a rare opportunity to look that in the Arabian Sean because we are going to get data from the sea surface to the deep ocean.